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고고와 디디 2018. 5. 21. 19:26

06. 성취욕이 지나쳐 다툼이 많은 학생(High competitive students)

(1) Let Ss set their own goal-> praise about development compared to prior one

(2) Let Ss know T would praise them when they cooperate each other

(3) try to create a positive classroom atmosphere

07. 자기주도성이 부족한 학생

(1) 1인 1기여 프로젝트(1 student 1 contribution project)

Give roles each students. Erasing the blackboard, cleaning the floor, checking students who are late or something - they can learn responsibility and self-directed learning

(2) 문제 중심학습활용(problem-based learning)

give Ss project -> Let them find a solution through self study -> It raises Ss' self regulation

(3) 프로젝트 과제(Group Project)

Let Ss choose topic-> research on the topic-> make presentation based on research

(4) 자기주도플랜(Self-directed planning)

Use 'Self-directed planning'-> (plan- check plan-self assessment) -> teachers/parents give feedbacks regularly

(5) give a chance to solve problem themselves-> Makes Ss form self-directed habit 

08. 자존감 향상을 위한 방안

1. 과정을 중시 

Emphasize learning process

2. 스스로 결정할 기회 주기

Give a chance to determine themselves

3. 실수를 긍정적으로 해석

Positive view on Ss' mistake

4. 공평하게 대하기

treat Ss fairly

5. 칭찬 후 조언

Praise and then advice

6. 학생에게도 배운다는 자세

Learn from Ss

7. 각 학생과 친밀한 관계를 유지

Form a close rapport with Ss

8. 비교하지 않기

Do not compare a student with other Ss

9. 학생에게 언어폭력을 절대 하지 말자.

Do not say bad words to Ss

09    부모와 관계가 나쁜 학생(Ss with family trouble)

(1) 성적 /진로 갈등 (conflict with S' parents over his/her future career/grade)

Let Ss research information about his/her future career/grade-> help Ss plan for his/her future career/grade -> make Ss have a sincere conversation with their parents-> reduce gap between them and their parents

(2) 부모 이혼 등 가정문제(Family problem)

pay more attention to Ss-> tell them it wasn't your fault

(3) 자신의 문제에대해서 부모를 원망하는 경우(blame S'parents for their trouble)

tell them your life is made by you

10. 연예인 집착(Ss who wre obsessed with celebrities)

persuade Ss be a real fan -> tell them the celebrities don't want Ss not to focus on lessons at school ->ask Ss focus on both lessons and joining fan club -> let them know doing their best and having attitude to try is a way to be successful like celebrities